Archer Academy
Our well-crafted SMS gateway feature enables you to send and receive SMS text messages to and from a system to mobile.
Do you know you’re wasting 40% of your time and 35% of your valuable resource on the admission process at your schools?
Now, the admission process made easy and quick with our online admission form feature.
No error, no tension, no hassle!
Does the issue and process of TC forms serve as a headache to you? Don’t fret. We are here to solve it with our ‘Online Transfer Certificate Form’.
The greatest complaint by parents in recent times is that schools are unavailable for any inquiry.
With working parents, they find no time to come over to the school to fix any issue. And no school would want parents to turn up at the office every now and then.
To solve this hiccup between school and parents, we have the apt feature of ‘Online Enquiry forms’